Export packaging
- sea
- land
- air
- domestic waterway
and to the particular import regulations of each respective country of destination.
We work with solid wood and with waterproof bonded industrial plywood.
For secondary preservation, we use either the VCI method or the drying agent method, depending on the requirements.
For any type of packaging desired, we take the regulations of the HPE (German association for wood packaging, pallets and export packaging) as minimum requirements, together with the particular specifications of our customer.

These are not serially-produced products – rather, individually-manufactured items with the maturity of series products.
Each wooden packaging container is individually designed to suit the requirements of our customer, and its structure calculated and constructed with the particular strains and stresses to be reckoned with during transportation in mind..
Get in touch and talk to us !
Whatever the obstacle … … we’ll tackle it for you !